5 times Agent Phil Coulson was a better fangirl than you

Okay, let's admit it, we all fangirl/boy about something(s) . And our favorite dorky agent from the Marvel universe is no exception, only he doesn't just squeal with joy every time a new Captain America trailer comes out, he goes hardcore. So here are 5 times Agent Coulson was the ultimate fan girl: 1. That time he watched Cap, err, thaw:                                                      ...

Be the change

  (Source: http://nswcentreforvolunteering.tumblr.com/) This is something I have been thinking about for a while. Everyone talks about wanting to meet "someone different", a "good friend" , "interesting people"...etc.We talk about how the world is going down the drain, be it anything from corrupt politics to the environment to pop music. We criticize others but forget we are part of the problem...

Happy new year and resolution

Happy new year everyone!! *confetti and whistles* Ok I do realize this is a little very late, but better late than never right? Things have been kinda crazy lately. 2014 ended with a bang (not the good kind though), and I am entering 2015 all busted up with battle wounds. But, no worries, this too shall pass just like everything else does. Last year , I decided to do something new with my new...

Detox your life part I : Detoxing your heart

   As I sat there thinking which post I should start with for this series, it dawned on me that I really did not know where to start. What was the most important thing to start with when trying to get a fresh start? At first I thought psshhh it's detoxing your surroundings of course ( your house, workplace..etc.) that would totally make sense right? It would greatly affect your mood and...

The accomplished lady

             In this day and age, I see many women striving to be thought of as "strong", "independent", "Smart" or even "hot", and all these adjectives are great and all, but a couple of centuries back women worked hard to be "accomplished"; a term which, I believe, if we distill its essence and apply to our modern lives would encompass all the...

5 tips to be a better conversationalist

Lately I have found myself being put into a lot of social situations where I have to not only start a conversation, but also keep it going for some duration. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not like I have just crawled from under the rock I have been living under and suddenly discovered the wonder that is the art of  social interactions ( well, sort of, but not really. not my point...

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