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Imagine you are standing on a train platform, you are all alone with your bag in hand and you heart fluttering. You don't know when that train will come or where it will take you. Yet, you are leaving everything behind and willing to take the risk to wait for it because you know that if it arrives it will be everything you ever hoped for, and it will be worth it.
This is just a simplified way of describing vulnerability....
But before I get carried away with myself I'd like to say Hello my lovelies! I have missed you so much, and I'm sorry for disappearing A-gain.
So back to the main topic of today which is vulnerability and it's importance. Now, when I say vulnerability, the first impression that comes to a lot of people's mind is negative. They view vulnerability as something to be AVOIDED and fought, and that being vulnerable will lead you to your certain doom. Well, that's not always the case, but let me first tell you what it means to be vulnerable.
Vulnerability is NOT:
being gullible or naive
Letting everyone know everything about you
Vulnerability actually is: being open and honest, yet respect boundaries and privacy. It's about loving freely and openly without conditions and guarantees and most importantly, it's about allowing yourself to FEEL.
Some o you may read this and think "what do you mean? we already have feelings" . Well, what I mean is not having feelings because surely everyone has them, I'm talking about allowing yourself to completely feel and experience your emotions, both good AND bad. To immerse yourself in the feeling and let it flow through you entire body, laugh if you want to, cry if you need to but don't try to numb it or shun it away and just allow yourself to feel. This is especially important to us women because repressing our emotions can take its toll on us big time. You see, Feminine energy is all about emotions and openness to these emotions. This means the willingness to be vulnerable and letting down your walls and barbed wires in order to experience life. Is it scary? sure. Could you get hurt? probably. Is it worth it? 100% most definitely.
How can a woman be happy, free-spirited and dreamy if she's too busy fighting off the world? How can she fall in love if she just won't let anyone in?
This brings me to another aspect of vulnerability which is the fact that it actually takes real strength to be vulnerable....
It's easy to put up walls, and it's easy to be tough and rough, but it takes a truly strong and confident person to be vulnerable. Actually, let me go ahead here and say that vulnerability IS freedom.
We have all heard that the most successful people in life are the one who are willing to take risks. Well, I'm telling you that the most successful people in life are the ones who allow themselves to be vulnerable because that act of letting go and taking a risk means that a person will be vulnerable. You see where I'm going with this? And let me tell you something else, have you ever heard the phrase "face your fears" ? Vulnerability allows you to do just that because being vulnerable means admitting your weaknesses, and your fears and being OK with them instead of hiding away from them. Only then will you be free to live life uninhibited and unafraid of what it might throw at you because you will be ready for it and you will accept it no matter what.
Now, for another aspect which is men. This is a big one. A lot of us nowadays live our lives in the " I can take care of it, I don't need a man" mentality. I can't begin to tell you how destructive that is, and it's all because of the way feminine and masculine energies work. By default, feminine energy is more vulnerable and submissive than the harsh dominant get-it-done masculine energy. And that's why men LOVE women who allow themselves to be vulnerable with them, and has the courage to be open and unguarded. You see. a woman like that is infinitely more feminine than a guarded woman who walks around with her "bitch" face on all day. This kind of woman is unapproachable, she's scary. In addition, she is not connecting therefore she will never receive love because she has a darn force field around her that bounces off every approach that comes her way. I know a good percentage of you will be resistant to this idea because we were conditioned from a young age to push away our vulnerability and especially around men because being vulnerable will make them use you, right? WRONG!! And let me give you an example to show you what mean: A successful woman with a high power executive job who can emasculate the toughest man out there but goes home to her Haagen-dazs in her lonely apartment, and gets cheated on and dumped by boyfriend after boyfriend. Sound familiar? Now here's another case, a successful woman with a high power executive job who is passionate about her job and able to lead effectively and efficiently, but is willing to let her tough armour hang once working hours are over, She's willing to just let go, have fun and let her man take the lead. That sounds A LOT better doesn't it. It's because the woman in the second example allows herself to be vulnerable. That doesn't mean dumbing herself down or acting like she's incapable, it just means that she trusts her man enough to let him take the lead. She is opening herself to him and allowing herself to be vulnerable, and he appreciates it deeply because men love to be needed, and that's precisely what you are giving him when you become vulnerable. You make him feel needed. And this will trigger a response in him to want to love and take care of you because he feels like he will be your knight in shining armour. And isn't that what a lot of us want in the first place? :) :)
So remember my lovelies, Vulnerability is NOT a sign of weakness or stupidity. It's actually one of your greatest feminine powers and it would be very sad if you let it go to waste. So go on, allow yourself to be vulnerable and watch as doors open up to you that you never even knew existed.
And now I will leave you with this great video talking about the power of vulnerability. I hope you enjoyed this post.
Lots of love
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