Hello my lovelies, I hope you are all doing well today!
Before I start today's post I have an announcement to make, one of my general new year's resolutions was to blog more consistently so from now on I will be posting every Sunday and Wednesday.
Now for today's topic: My new year's beauty resolutions. These are bad habits I want to get rid of of new good ones I want to incorporate this year so I hope they could be helpful to you so let's get started!
1) Stop sleeping with make up on:
Okay this is a big one, and it's an especially huge problem for me because it is a very recently developed habit, mainly due to my overly busy schedule. I used to be very religious about removing my makeup but now owing to my crashing every night from exhaustion I don't, so that is something I have to start doing.
2) Be more consistent with my night routine:
Another thing related to my overly busy schedule ( and maybe a bit of laziness ). On the days where, god forbid, I'm not so tired that I crash on my desk I actually do cleanse my makeup but that's as far as it goes... that's it. So I've decided to put an end to the laziness.
3) Get more sleep:
After the previous two resolutions I think this is self- explanatory....
4) Washing my makeup brushes more often:
again... laziness
5) Pay attention to my lips:
I have the bad habit of biting my lips whenever I am nervous or stressed, so it would be obvious that my lips have taken a a bad beating during this last exams season, and usually I forget my lips in my skincare routine, so I have to start taking more care of them because now they are drier than ever. (and maybe stop biting them)
6) Start using eye cream:
This is a sad one for me because I have been getting a lot of comments about how my eyes always look tired/puffy :( :( So now I think eye cream is becoming a necessity, but I don't where to start or what to use, so if you have any suggestions on any good eye creams please let me know.
7) Cut down on soda and caffinated drinks
They're bad for you, your skin included.. period
8) Apply sunblock on my hands:
A good habit of mine is that I am consistent with sunblock but it's only on my face. This made me end up with a regular colored face and tanned hands. So from now on I will start putting sunblock on ALL exposed areas of my body and not just my face.
9) Try new makeup colours:
I'm tired of the basic eyeliner and red lips and although they will always be my favourite makeup look of all time and I won't be stopping wearing that look anytime soon I thought I might change it up more and try different eye shadow colors and lipstick colors just to keep things fresh, and hey if I don't experiment with makeup now then when will I?? I'm not getting any younger.
10) Go natural more:
Okay this may seem contradictory with the previous resolution but I promise it's not. My point is it's nice to wear makeup and everything but it's bad to depend on it and make it into a mask to hide behind, so I have decided I will go makeup free when going out for a cup of coffee for example, shopping alone at the mall, or things of the like. My minimum is to go makeup-free at least one day a week. I have noticed that when I go makeup free for a while I get much less acne and blemishes and it feels awesome like my skin can breathe. Plus it is empowering being able to face the world without having to hide behind makeup.
Before I start today's post I have an announcement to make, one of my general new year's resolutions was to blog more consistently so from now on I will be posting every Sunday and Wednesday.
Now for today's topic: My new year's beauty resolutions. These are bad habits I want to get rid of of new good ones I want to incorporate this year so I hope they could be helpful to you so let's get started!
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Steve Hiett/Trunk Archive
Okay this is a big one, and it's an especially huge problem for me because it is a very recently developed habit, mainly due to my overly busy schedule. I used to be very religious about removing my makeup but now owing to my crashing every night from exhaustion I don't, so that is something I have to start doing.
2) Be more consistent with my night routine:
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studio 229 |
3) Get more sleep:
After the previous two resolutions I think this is self- explanatory....
4) Washing my makeup brushes more often:
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spring jump |
again... laziness
5) Pay attention to my lips:
I have the bad habit of biting my lips whenever I am nervous or stressed, so it would be obvious that my lips have taken a a bad beating during this last exams season, and usually I forget my lips in my skincare routine, so I have to start taking more care of them because now they are drier than ever. (and maybe stop biting them)
6) Start using eye cream:
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beautiful with brains |
7) Cut down on soda and caffinated drinks
They're bad for you, your skin included.. period
8) Apply sunblock on my hands:
my favourite sunblock |
9) Try new makeup colours:

10) Go natural more:
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Birch Box |
So these are my new year's beauty resolutions.. I hope you enjoyed this post and found it useful.
I will talk to you next Sunday..
lots of love
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