How to develop a skincare routine

skincare for beautiful skin

Hello ladies hope you are all having a wonderful day! :D
First of all, I would like to apologize for not posting earlier but I have been quite busy.
Now that we have that out of the way, I thought I’d post about a lighter topic today which is “how to develop a skincare routine”. We all know that a feminine woman takes good care of herself and is keen on maintaining good hygiene and grooming. An important part of that is skincare!
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It’s your body’s first lie of defense against harmful substances and microorganisms. It also plays an important part in how others perceive you [the degree varies depending on the person but everyone is influenced by appearances one way or another, sad but true] so it is only logical that you thank your ever so loyal skin by taking good care of it, and that’s what I will be helping you with today.
Whether you are starting to newly form a routine or want to change up your old one I will give you a couple of guidelines in order to reach a perfect customized routine that works for YOU so you can have soft and clear skin. Okay so before I start I would like to clarify that I am not a dermatologist, but I have reached the tips I will tell you through trial and error, lots of research and my knowledge of chemicals.

The second thing I want you to know and consider this a golden rule:
Every skin is different.
This means that if your friend tries a product and it works does not necessarily mean that it’s perfect for you. You have a fifty- fifty chance, unless you are trying that product with knowledge of what you’re doing, which you hopefully will to some extent after reading these tips 
So let’s start shall we? Now I will give you four important rules to keep in mind when trying to develop a skincare routine… here we go!!

Rule #1: start your routine from inside out:
As the saying goes: “you are what you eat” and if you are experiencing for example a dull, sallow complexion think about what you’re eating. Are you drinking enough water? Are you eating your veggies and fruits? What about proteins? Are you eating too much sugary foods or junk? Are you exercising as you should? Be honest with yourself and answer these questions and don’t fret if you’re guilty of bad eating habits, we all are at some point. What you should do is move on and IMPROVE. Now I won’t tell you to go cold turkey on chocolate (heaven forbid!) but a good tip would be to eat everything in moderation, having healthy beautiful skin shouldn’t be a chore and you shouldn’t deprive yourself. A rule that I personally go by is the 80:20 rule… basically it means that my diet is 80% healthy and 20% indulging, and hey it works well just do NOT neglect exercise which by the way does wonders for your skin since it stimulates blood flow allowing nutrients and oxygen to reach your skin better and it helps get rid of wastes and toxins through sweat.

Rule #2: know your skin type:
What is your skin type? Does it feel tight in the morning? Is it prone to flaking? Maybe you have dry skin… or does it get shiny throughout the day and easily develops white heads? This could mean you have oily skin. Are you more prone to acne? Is your skin sensitive?
Once you have determined your skin type, you will know what specific problems you want to target. This will make choosing products SO much easier since you will be able to pick things that target your specific skin type.

Rule #3: go back to the basics:
When in doubt go back to the basics… have you ever noticed how our grandmothers had (and still have) amazing supple skin? It’s because their skincare routines were so basic and consisted of only what they needed. I have seen some women on youtube slap on as many as 12 products on their face!! Excluding makeup!! (no joke). That is just waaay too much. Now let’s think together, in order for skin to be healthy it needs to be: a) clean b) hydrated… which means you only need a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer [toner can be excluded with some skin types] and a bit of sunscreen when you go out, and that is ALL you need for your everyday routine! Only 3-4 products….ok maybe 5 if you throw in a spot treatment for the occasional zit but that doesn’t count because you won’t use it daily.

Rule#4: know your ingrdients:
Do not go out and buy a product which contains 500 chemicals which you cannot pronounce, please… the less ingredients, the better. Also, the shorter the names, the better. If you can’t find anything worth your while on the market? Make your own (I will be posting some recipes in the future). And please, for the love of god, do not get fooled by fancy expensive products. You can find cheaper ones containing the same active ingredients that work just as well…

That’s all for now… I hope you enjoyed this article and I hope it was of some help to you :D
If I remember any other tips I will definitely let you know and I will talk to you soon 

p.s. if you have any questions or suggestions for the next article please let me know in the comments or e-mail me if you’re shy ;) I’m open to any discussion and almost every topic you can think of…. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated

lots of love….


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