Fashion vs Style

Coco Chanel
                   " Fashion fades, only style remains"    -Coco Chanel
I wanted to start off this post with this quote because I think it kind of explains the true difference between fashion and style.
So I would like to start out by letting you all know a little something about me: I am in love with fashion... I enjoy clothes and I find fashion to be a form of art... Basically I'm what you can call a "Fashion Geek". And if you are anything like me, you love fashion but hate being a fashion victim, and it frustrates you so much to see so many girls falling victim to what is supposed to be a beautiful thing. I think an important factor that contributes to this is the fact that many girls do NOT know the difference between fashion and style..
Many fashion magazines ignorantly pass off fashion and style as one thing, which is completely absurd because if they were, we would ALL look the same (wait, have you ever seen a group of girls, maybe walking around at your local mall or around the city, who look the same as if they were clones??  This is a perfect demonstration of how mistaking fashion for style can be bad for you) This only proves that there's a HUGE difference between the two.
Basically fashion is the fun of clothes. It's trends that come and go and should be thought of as the "finishing touch". It has no distinction and no identity. It's just like playing dress up!
Style however, is a whole different story. Style is YOUR essence, it's your own unique expression of yourself in the way you dress and carry yourself. It's more about what works for YOU and you only. and it sets you apart from the crowd.
To make things more clear here's an example: If you were going to a Halloween party and you wanted to dress up 70's style that would be pretty easy right? That may be true but then you would be wearing 70's "fashion" but if you wanted to replicate a certain person's style _say a 70's movie star for example_ that would be a lot harder to do because unless you somehow manage to get your hands on their same outfit they were wearing, you would have a hard time replicating them.
So this concludes this post about fashion vs style, to find out more about that and for some AWESOME fashion tips check out this blog:

She is truly amazing! Here's one of my favorite quotes from her:
"If you lay out the foundation you're halfway to achieving great style"   -Anna

And also check out my NEW blog and let me know what you think:

So I hope you al enjoyed this post and I will talk to you soon


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