Hello everyone I hope you are all having an amazing day today!
If you have been reading my blog you will discover that I have a bit of a vintage fascination. I truly respect and adore our grandmothers and their lifestyles and I actually feel they knew a great deal more about happiness than us despite having less luxury and means. That's why I believe we should look at them and learn from their lives and try to incorporate their knowledge in our modern lives.
The ladies or yesteryear all seemed to be, well, ladies and they were glamorous as well. So why is it that those women seemed to have that extra quality that is sadly lacking in so many women today?
This brings me to the first vintage tip: Embrace being a woman
It's true! Despite our view on women of the past as being oppressed and miserable, these women knew what it meant to embrace their femininity and womanhood, and I'm not talking about frilly pastel dresses with bows and flowers, those are personal taste but I'm talking about the joie de vivre that was common amongst women. I once read a quote that said: " Women understand the value of life, they give it " and this quote seemed to sum up the essence of femininity. Women are nurturers and givers of life, and to embrace your femininity is to give and have an abundance of love that overflows into every aspect of your life.
Not only were women of the past more nurturing, they also knew how to Keep it simple.
Today we live in a world of excess. We have an excess in everything, and that leads us to over indulge in things we don't really need. The solution to this problem: Keep it simple! Do you really need a 10th pair of pumps? even if they are in a "trendy color". Do you really need yet another cream/lotion/lipgloss? Does your body really need that extra large double cheeseburger meal that you will probably throw half of in the trash? Ask yourself questions like these and answer them honestly (no cheating girls!) You will be surprised at how little you actually need. Now, don't get me wrong, I for one adore luxury and we are talking about being glamorous here so I'm not saying throw away all your stuff and live in a cottage in the woods ( ok, maybe that was a bit extreme but you get my point ). All I'm saying is to keep the luxuries in your life, well, luxuries. This means they should be in small portions that you can truly enjoy and appreciate. So bottom line, a little bit of luxury = good, excess and over indulgence = bad.
This concept also goes hand in hand with giving and nurturing, because when you stop living in excess, you start having more to give to people who actually need things.
Now I don't like posting very long boring posts so I will keep it simple now and leave you to think about the above to tips :)
And now for a little indulgence: If you are like me, then you love everything beauty, fashion,skincare..etc related. Here's a really nice educational video (Sorry if the quality isn't exactly HD) from the 40s talking about good grooming habits, skincare, fashion and other things. I personally found it adorable to watch and hey, you might even pick up a tip or two :)
If you have been reading my blog you will discover that I have a bit of a vintage fascination. I truly respect and adore our grandmothers and their lifestyles and I actually feel they knew a great deal more about happiness than us despite having less luxury and means. That's why I believe we should look at them and learn from their lives and try to incorporate their knowledge in our modern lives.
The ladies or yesteryear all seemed to be, well, ladies and they were glamorous as well. So why is it that those women seemed to have that extra quality that is sadly lacking in so many women today?
This brings me to the first vintage tip: Embrace being a woman
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Marilyn Monroe was an expert on embracing her femininity [source:thewideeyed.wordpress.com ] |
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[source: lt-arts.deviantart.com ] |
Today we live in a world of excess. We have an excess in everything, and that leads us to over indulge in things we don't really need. The solution to this problem: Keep it simple! Do you really need a 10th pair of pumps? even if they are in a "trendy color". Do you really need yet another cream/lotion/lipgloss? Does your body really need that extra large double cheeseburger meal that you will probably throw half of in the trash? Ask yourself questions like these and answer them honestly (no cheating girls!) You will be surprised at how little you actually need. Now, don't get me wrong, I for one adore luxury and we are talking about being glamorous here so I'm not saying throw away all your stuff and live in a cottage in the woods ( ok, maybe that was a bit extreme but you get my point ). All I'm saying is to keep the luxuries in your life, well, luxuries. This means they should be in small portions that you can truly enjoy and appreciate. So bottom line, a little bit of luxury = good, excess and over indulgence = bad.
This concept also goes hand in hand with giving and nurturing, because when you stop living in excess, you start having more to give to people who actually need things.
Now I don't like posting very long boring posts so I will keep it simple now and leave you to think about the above to tips :)
And now for a little indulgence: If you are like me, then you love everything beauty, fashion,skincare..etc related. Here's a really nice educational video (Sorry if the quality isn't exactly HD) from the 40s talking about good grooming habits, skincare, fashion and other things. I personally found it adorable to watch and hey, you might even pick up a tip or two :)
Well that's all for today's post I hope you enjoyed it and that it was helpful and I will talk to you soon.
lots of love
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